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Relaxation response training

We are hardwired to respond to stress by either fighting it or running away from it. The "Fight or Flight" response is our default response. This worked well for our ancestors, who were faced with immediate threats like a wild animal. It doesn't work as well when faced with a confrontational co-worker or a family member. By using the ancient eastern arts we practice, we learn to respond to forces by yielding, following, and then harmonizing with them—a much more refined and intelligent response to stress. 

    Changing your relationship with gravity

    Gravity starts to affect us before we are born; even asleep, it affects us. If our structure isn't in harmony with it, we will be fighting gravity all our lives! You'll see the effects on the elderly and how it seems that gravity is overwhelming them. If your structure harmonizes with gravity, you begin to feel gravity as an ally instead! It becomes a comforting sensation, encouraging you to relax and even complementing and aiding movement!

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